securely encrypted at all times
Your data is encrypted at all times according to the latest industry standards
aktuellste Verschlüsselungsstandards für maximale Datensicherheit
Unsere Systemkomponenten, einschließlich Software und Hardware, verwenden die aktuellsten Verschlüsselungsstandards, um sicherzustellen, dass alle Datenübertragungen geschützt sind. Mit komplexen Verschlüsselungsalgorithmen und der Einhaltung von Branchenstandards sorgen wir dafür, dass Ihre Daten jederzeit vor unberechtigtem Zugriff geschützt sind.
encrypted communication - secure data transmission
sichere Datenübertragung
Secure communication is crucial for protecting sensitive data. Our system components, including software and hardware, use the latest encryption standards to ensure all data transmissions are protected. With complex encryption algorithms and compliance with industry standards, we ensure that your data is protected from unauthorized access at all times.
encrypted data storage
To ensure that your system runs smoothly and is fail-safe, data is stored in databases and sometimes locally in the hardware or transponders. Your data is also fully encrypted at all of these locations using the latest industry standards, including:m to prevent the reading of this data and data misuse.
Noch Fragen?
nubicon develops location-independent operable time tracking and access control systems and combines security with flexibility. We bring more than 30 years of industry experience together with the latest knowledge of software development.
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